雀巢在那一刻的时候,为了能够进一步发展公司,需要一个新的管理,这不仅会创建一个协同的多样化发生结果的取得,也形成一个怀有二心的组织。德维特如是说的定义和迈耶(2010),一个怀有二心的组织都是能够成功地竞争增加对齐或适应战略,结构,文化,和流程,同时准备不可避免的不连续环境变化要求的革命。雀巢能够满足需求上面给出的时候,赫尔穆特•Maucher和包必达- Letmathe负责该公司首席执行官。Mauchers监督下,雀巢能够进入新市场没有之前出售的产品,例如矿泉水,同时购买股票和收购新公司,如康乃馨,美国巨大的粮食生产。这个收购发生在1985年,价值30亿美元的食品行业最大的到。在雀巢公司的历史总是针对多个方向发展。首次成功后试图从外部购买公司的分支,雀巢很快意识到多元化的产品可能导致增加它的存在在许多不同的市场,这将导致更大的利润。同时,雀巢成功的策略是尽量避免攻击性行动旨在实现短期内,战术目标支持长期的视野和战略规划。这个计划自1980年以来一直在积极使用,当赫尔穆特•Maucher成为负责雀巢作为其首席执行官,由他的继任者包必达- Letmathe和保罗•薄凯。
At that moment of time Nestle, in order to be able to further develop the company, needed a new management, that would not only create a synergy out of the diversification that occured as a result of all aquisition, but also form an ambidextrous organization. By definition of DeWit and Meyer (2010), an ambidextrous organization is one that is able to compete successfully by both increasing the alignment or fit among strategy, structure, culture, and processes, while simultaneously preparing for the inevitable revolutions required by discontinuous environmental change. Nestle was able to fulfill requirements given above during the times when Helmut Maucher and Peter Brabeck - Letmathe were responsible for the firm as CEO's. Under Mauchers supervision, Nestle was able to enter new markets with products that it didn't previously sell, for example mineral waters, while at the same time buying shares and taking over new companies, such as Carnation, an American giant in food production. This takeover took place in 1985 and with a worth of $3 billion was the largest in food industry until that time.Throughout the history of Nestle its corporate grow was always aimed at multiple directions. After first successful attempts to purchase firms from outside of its branch, Nestle quickly realised that diversification of products can lead to an increase of its presence on many different markets, that would result in bigger profits. Also, Nestle's strategy of success is to refrains from agressive actions aimed at achieving short term, tactical goals for the favor of long term horizon and strategic planning. This plan has been in active use since 1980, when Helmut Maucher became responsible for Nestle as its CEO, supported by his successors Peter Brabeck - Letmathe and Paul Bulcke.