Nursing Assignment 代写 : 医护人员职业压力存在的问题

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Nursing Assignment 代写: 医护人员职业压力存在的问题

职业压力是医护人员一个公认的问题。1护理已被确定为一种职业,有高水平的压力。2由国家在美国职业安全与健康研究所进行的一项调查,护士被发现之一,发病率高于预期,与压力有关的疾病的职业。3发现工作压力带来的危害不仅影响护士健康而且他们的应对能力与工作要求。这将严重损害提供优质护理服务和健康服务的效果。3。在医院护士的工作压力的研究中,有人发现,27%的受试者经历了心理生理症状的压力,和38%的报告咨询医生在过去的6个月。它也被发现,护士的工作压力不同,经验不同。3 4(Josef,2003)。近几年来一直在以“高风险”的职业和专业经验丰富的成员压力自然广泛的讨论,例如护理和急救人员,其作用是通过创伤性情景支持他人。5识别越来越多,卫生保健专业人员,特别是急救部门的工作人员,在经历关键事件风险。7急救科护士在一个应对额外的压力位置。这些包括在任何时间患者意外的数字,患者情况出乎意料的快速变化,和应对痛苦或创伤性事件如突然死亡,病人的暴力,不合适的人,并在日常生活中口头或身体虐待。急诊护理是一种非常紧张的职业。7
大多数人可以应付压力,短期内,但慢性应激产生的生理状态的长期变化。8的应对行为的有效性取决于使用的情况下,他们的。一些应对的行为可能在某些情况下,但不是为别人工作。9一般而言,应对的策略,帮助人们减轻压力,解决problems8。Folkman等人。(1986)确定应对“人的认知和行为努力在人与环境事务管理内部和外部需求。9不同的人有不同的应对策略,他们采用的应对压力的incidents.10个体的应对策略应该被评估在其特定的社会、文化、和情景context.11。在李和Lambert的研究(2008)通过自我报告的问卷102重症护理护士在中国表明大多数工作压力过载和最常用的应对策略进行规划。(12)。在另一项研究由伯吉斯和wallymahed(2010)他们发现某些人格特质,如开放性、外向性和更少的压力感从患者及家属在ICU nurses.13相关

Nursing Assignment 代写: 医护人员职业压力存在的问题

Occupational stress is a recognized problem in health care workers.1 Nursing has been identified as an occupation that has high levels of stress.2 In an investigation conducted by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health in the USA, nurses were found to be one of the occupations that had a higher than expected incidence of stress-related health disorders.3 It was found that job stress brought about hazardous impacts not only on nurses' health but also their abilities to cope with job demands. This will seriously impair the provision of quality care and the efficacy of health services delivery.3,4. In a study of job stress among hospital nurses, it was found that 27% of the subjects experienced psycho physiological symptoms of stress, and 38% reported consulting a doctor in the past 6 months. It has also been found that different nurses experience job stress different.3 4(Josef, 2003). In recent years there has been broad discussion on the nature of stressors experienced by members of "high risk" occupations and professions, for instance nursing and emergency workers, whose role is to support others through trau-matic scenarios.5 Recognition is growing that health care professionals, especially emergency department staff, are at risk for experiencing critical incidents.7 Emergency Department nurses are in a position that is expected to deal with additional stressors. These include unexpected numbers of pa-tients at any time, unexpected rapid changes in patients' situations, and response to distressing or traumatic incidents such as sudden death, patient violence, inappropriate attendees, and physical or verbal abuse on a daily basis. Emergency nursing is a highly stressful profession.7

Most people can cope with stress for short periods but Chronic stress produces prolonged changes in the physiological state.8 Effectiveness of coping behaviors depends on the situation in which they are used. Some coping behaviors may work well for some situations but not for others.9 In general terms, coping are a strategy that helps people reduce stress and solve problems8. Folkman et al. (1986) define coping as "the person's cognitive and behavioral efforts to manage the internal and external demands in the person-environment transaction.9 People differ in the coping strategies that they adopt for dealing with stressful incidents.10 Individual's coping strategies should be viewed and assessed within their particular social, cultural, and situational context.11. In a study by Li and Lambert (2008) on 102 intensive care nurses in china by a self-report questionnaires indicated that most workplace stressors was overload and most commonly used coping strategy was planning.(12). In another study by Burgess and Wallymahed (2010) they found that certain personality trait such as openness and extraversion were associated with less perceived stress from the patient and relative in Intensive care unit nurses.13

Knowing what emergency workers do to cope and survive extreme incidents may help us understand and assist those who are more at risk of traumatic reactions .14.

The issues of job stress, coping, and burnout among nurses are of universal concern to all managers and administrators in the area of health care.2 Therefore, the specific aim of the study was to investigate the sources of occupational stress and coping strategies among nurses who are working in emergency department in Shiraz-Iran. Thus the knowledge obtained would be useful in the formulation of recommendations to promote the health of these nurses and thereby improve the quality of care provision in emergency department.



