Nursing Essay 代写: 感染控制的病例研究

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Nursing Essay 代写: 感染控制的病例研究

据布里斯托尔大便图,琼斯先生已经通过凳子被7型,布里斯托尔凳图显示七类便是由K. W Heaton和S. J Lewis在布里斯托大学和1997在斯堪的纳维亚胃肠病学杂志首次出版。类型5-7据布里斯托尔凳图可以表明腹泻和紧迫感,以便通过水样无固件,提出了完全的液体。
护理人员的高级成员被立即告知琼斯先生的情况,信息是重要的和关心他目前正在接受有关未来的任何关心,他即将接受,以及感染的可能风险为7型粪便对环境造成。要尊重人民的保密责任照顾病人,就必须确保病人获悉传递任何信息是他们的最佳利益,NMC 2010州,你必须确保人们了解如何以及为什么信息是由那些将提供他们的服务,你必须分享如果你认为有人可能危害的风险披露信息,按照法律在你的国家实践。


Nursing Essay 代写: 感染控制的病例研究

Infection control and the prevention of all infection remains a major goal within all healthcare settings, and lies with all healthcare professionals and personnel's responsibility to ensure this is achieved. The NHS and healthcare systems have specialised infection control teams to ensure an effective infection control programme has been planned and implemented, also regularly evaluate the effectiveness of programmes and update their findings. The infection prevention and control team provides advice about the prevention and management of infection including outbreaks of diarrhoea and vomiting, as well as promoting education and awareness to patient's and carers. They work closely with staff and senior members of the healthcare setting to ensure that correct policies and procedures are adhered to. (

Healthcare consists of a multi disciplinary team and all professionals must work together in order to encourage the effectiveness of the infection control programme is achieved. Microbiology has become an advanced science in the investigation of infections and the management of their control in the hospital setting, the study of living organisms that are so small that can not be seen by the naked eye, Microbes are everywhere, they are able to survive in almost every conceivable environment(J.Wilson). Many species of bacteria exists as well as virus and other micro organisms, but thanks to advance scientific findings a very small proportion cause disease and infection (J.Wilson).

The student nurse acted appropriately and was aware of following the NMC guidelines at all times within the clinical area of placement, and adhering to confidentiality guidelines and ethical policy.

The student nurse was called to assist Mr. Jones who had alerted the staff on the ward that he was in need of assistance in the toilet. When entering the room it was obvious to the student nurse that Mr. Jones was distressed. Mr. Jones had been incontinent and defecated on to the floor of the toilet and surrounding area. The student nurse gave reassurance to Mr. Jones to encourage the relief of his anxiety and distress, making the care of people your first concern, treating people kindly and considerately. (NMC2009).

According to the Bristol stool chart the stools that Mr. Jones had passed were type 7, the Bristol stool chart shows seven categories of stool and was developed by K.W Heaton and S.J Lewis at the University of Bristol and first published in the Scandinavian journal of Gastroenterology in 1997. Types 5-7 according to the Bristol stool chart may indicate diarrhoea and urgency, with stools passed watery with no solid pieces which presents entirely liquid.


A senior member of the nursing staff was immediately informed regarding the situation with Mr. Jones as the information was important with the care he was currently receiving and relevant to any future care that he was about to receive, as well as the possible risk of infection as type 7 stool poses to the environment. The need to respect peoples confidentiality is a duty of care to the patient so it would be necessary to ensure the patient was informed that any information passed on was in their best interest, NMC 2010 states, you must ensure people are informed about how and why information is shared by those who will be providing their care and you must disclose information if you believe someone may be at risk of harm, in line with the law of the country in which you are practising.

