
8 年前 315次浏览 美国俄亥俄州立大学论文代写:研究性教学模式已关闭评论


研究性教学模式是指在教学过程中,教师主动引导学生通过“自我学习” 发现问题,并指导学生“自我研究”去分析问题和解决问题的教学模式。在这种模式中,教师不仅是教学活动的设计者、组织者,而且是重要的引导者,学生不是被动的知识受众,而是主动的知识获取者。这种教学活动,不仅使学生获取到知识、能力、素养和自我探究的成就感,而且民主、平等的教学氛围又形成一种教学相长的和谐的师生关系。


In the teaching process, the research teaching mode refers to the teaching mode of "self study", and guides the students to find the problem, and to guide the students to analyze the problem and solve the problem. In this mode, teachers are not only the designers and organizers of teaching activities, but also the important guides. Students are not passive knowledge receivers, but active knowledge acquisition. This kind of teaching activities, not only to enable students to acquire knowledge, ability, quality and self exploration achievement, and democratic and equal atmosphere and the formation of a harmonious relationship between teachers and students Teaching benefits teachers as well as students.

