Psychology Assignment 代写: 治疗性沟通的应用图像

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Psychology Assignment 代写: 治疗性沟通的应用图像

Katherine Arbuthnott,Dennis Arbuthnott,和Lucille Rossiter在他们的第一个引导想象不同用途概述目前异常。他们还提供有效的“总结众多活动如计划和排练的目标这一治疗手段,应对消极或侵入性思维,提高自我安抚技巧,增加客户的信心,帮助客户清晰的问题还不能完全理解,压力管理,获得对痛苦的情绪控制,克服强烈的反应可怕的经历”。(Zerbe Enns,2001)??

此外,“引导意象可以用来学习和练习技巧,通过不同方案的可能结果的可视化有效解决问题,提高创造力和想象力。它也被证明影响生理过程。”(utay & Miller,2006)除了应用于辅导、引导意象也被用在医疗保健非常积极的结果,康复医学与运动训练。

大厅,大厅,斯特拉德林& Young(2006)为我们提供了一个综合的方式来介绍引导意象在心理咨询与治疗的过程。他们提到,在实施图像引导治疗是考虑自然的过程中,即使结果客户的期望和假设的重要;客户准备的活动,考虑到他们的年龄、智力和情感的准备;时机和时间的影响在考虑时最好提供干预和规划围绕技术会议;对心理辅导室的物理环境提供了一个轻松的环境是至关重要的;和其他设备,方便的可视化后的进一步探索。


Psychology Assignment 代写: 治疗性沟通的应用图像

Katherine Arbuthnott, Dennis Arbuthnott, and Lucille Rossiter present in their article an exceptional overview of the different uses of guided imagery. They also offer a summary of the effectiveness "of this therapeutic tool for numerous activities such as planning and rehearsing goals, coping with negative or intrusive thoughts, enhancing self-soothing skills, increasing clients' confidence, helping clients articulate issues that are not fully understood, managing stress, gaining control over painful emotions, and overcoming strong reactions to feared experiences". (Zerbe Enns, 2001)??

Furthermore, "guided imagery can be used to learn and rehearse skills, more effectively problem solve through visualizing possible outcomes of different alternatives, and increase creativity and imagination. It has also been shown to affect physiological processes." (Utay & Miller, 2006) Apart from being applied in counselling, guided imagery has also been employed with very positive results in healthcare, rehabilitative medicine and sports training.

Hall, Hall, Stradling &Young (2006) offer us a comprehensive way to introduce guided imagery in the counselling and psychotherapy process. They mention that before implementing guided imagery in therapy it is important to consider clients' expectations and assumptions about the nature of the process and even the outcomes; clients' readiness for the activity having into account their age, intellectual ability and their emotional readiness; timing and time implications having into consideration when is best to offer the intervention and planning the session around the technique; the physical setting of the counselling room as providing a relaxing environment is vital; and additional equipment to facilitate further exploration after the visualization.

Hall et al. (2006) also offer in their book valuable guidance about the appropriate verbal interventions to guide imagery, bring the client back to the room and reflect on and explore the meaning of the experience after the visualization.



