Religion Essay 代写:科学学者的后殖民社会研究

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Religion Essay 代写:科学学者的后殖民社会研究




Religion Essay 代写:科学学者的后殖民社会研究

Recently, modern science is criticizes from different academic discipline by the different critics who considered themselves postmodernist. According to them, the knowledge provided by modern science is western rather than universal or cultural neutral. (Bala, A.2008:1)That raises demand from other culture for recognition of their contribution in modern science. But their demand is strongly rejected by the modernist saying that their traditional knowledge is mythical, superstitious and irrational. And also told that traditional knowledge turn the world into dark ages that preceded enlightenment science. This disagreement is defined by the observer as a 'science war' (ibid). According to post modernist, modern science historical roots must lies Europe because it's developed in Europe. But according to Bala, this conception is wrong. The very roots of modern science are 'dialogical'-the dialogues take place among the wide diversity of culture in complex historical and geographical routes. (ibid). Copernican revolution is considered as an important event of modern science but it profoundly influence by the Arabic, Chinese, Indian and Egyptian ideas. Such multicultural influence not only led to accept heliocentric theory but also led to unification of cosmological and physical theory. (ibid, p.2)

Bala cited Ronan's assessment of the Indian tradition of science,' In the period before the scientific revolutions, Hindu science made a number of original contributions that were to be importantly developed in China, in Islam or in Europe. Nevertheless, perhaps because of the prevailing religious tone of the Indian civilization, it never developed into a full-fledged science, and over the past 200 years science in the Indian sub-continent has had a primarily Western flavor.' (Bala, A.2008:12)

According to Bala, by this way, Ronan try to ignore the contribution India in development of modern science like the decimal place system with zero for numbers, trigonometric theory and methods, algebraic discoveries, surgical medical techniques, and highly developed linguistic theory. (ibid)


