硕士毕业论文 Financial Environment Of Malaysia

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Annual Leave

60E. (1) An employee shall be entitled to paid annual leave of : (a) eight days for every twelve months of continuous service with the same employer if he has been employed by that employer for a period of less than two years;

Sick Leave

An employee shall, after examination at the expense of the employer: (a) by a registered medical practitioner duly appointed by the employer;

Contract of Service

Under the Employment Act 1955 "Contract of service" is defined as: "contract of service" means any agreement, whether oral or in writing and whether express or implied, whereby one person agrees to employ another as an employee and that the other agrees to serve his employer as his employee and includes an apprenticeship contract;

Ease of Doing Business

The Ease of doing business index (1=most business-friendly regulations) in Malaysia was reported at 21.00 in 2008, according to the World Bank. In 2009, the Malaysia Ease of doing business index (1=most business-friendly regulations) was 23.00. Ease of doing business index ranks economies from 1 to 181, with first place being the best. A high ranking means that the regulatory environment is conducive to business operation. The index ranks the simple average of the country's percentile rankings on 10 topics covered in Doing Business 2007: How to reform. The ranking on each topic is the simple average of the percentile rankings on its component indicators.

Malaysia is a rapidly developing economy in Asia. Malaysia, a middle-income country, has transformed itself since the 1970s from a producer of raw materials into an emerging multi-sector economy. The Government of Malaysia is continuing efforts to boost domestic demand to wean the economy off of its dependence on exports. Nevertheless, exports - particularly of electronics - remain a significant driver of the economy.

Source: (Trading Economics 2010)

