Sociology Essay 代写:布匿战争结束

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Sociology Essay 代写:布匿战争结束




Sociology Essay 代写:布匿战争结束

In society, we believe in what is just and unjust in this world. We see this in different situations every day. I will identify the history of gender relations and expansion of gender equality. From the earliest documentation women have struggled with being accepted as equal in a patriarchal culture and society. In 753 B.C. "During the reign of Romulus in Rome, wife beating is accepted and condoned under The Laws of Chastisement. Under these laws, the husband has absolute rights to physically discipline his wife. Since by law, a husband is held liable for crimes committed by his wife, this law was designed to protect the husband from harm caused by the wife's actions. These laws permit the husband to beat his wife with a rod or switch as long as its circumference is no greater than the girth of the base of the man's right thumb, hence "The Rule of Thumb." The tradition of these laws is perpetuated in English Common Law and throughout most of Europe."

From the 900s and the 1300s "Priests advise abused wives to win their husbands' good will through increased devotion and obedience. The habit of looking upon women as a species apart, without the same feelings and capacity for suffering which men possess, becomes inbred during the Middle Ages. In a Medieval theological manual, a man is given permission to "castigate his wife and beat her for correction...

"In most societies there are certain broadly shared beliefs about wait is socially just and unjust. Here is the basic problem; we observe some empirical case of social inequality- some are better off than others and or they have more fulfilling lives than others or are healthier than others." What is inequality and how does it relate to ideas about justice? How pervasive is inequality in the United States and around the world? Are some forms of inequality more entrenched than other forms? What causes inequalities? What are the solutions?

