Sociology Essay 论文代写:Disability Is A Very Personal Experience

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Sociology Essay 论文代写:Disability Is A Very Personal Experience




Sociology Essay 论文代写:Disability Is A Very Personal Experience

Disability is a very personal experience with many pathways. Factors such as age, sex, race/ethnicity, and sexuality all play a factor in a person's experience with disability in the United States. These factors play a role in deciding the needs of the individual and what care they need. The following will show how the different socio-demographic factors play a role in different pathways towards disability. Disability is defined as having limited mobility in either the upper or lower body (Binstock and George 2011).

Disability pathways can vary by age in what stage of the life course the person is in. While not always the case, younger people tend to have less of a risk of becoming disabled than older people (Binstock and George 2011). Disability itself is a difficult term to identify because of the use of the word is not universal as the book points out. The statistic given is that 64% of adults over the age of 65 have some problem with mobility (Binstock and George 2011). This is important to note for age because it shows what age is generally accepted to be the start of some form of disability. Life expectancy has also risen over the past decades as healthcare continues to make improvements. These are important to note because as the population ages, than more people would seem to need assistance as they grow older. One reason discussed for an increase in longevity is lifestyle changes in daily tasks have been made easier for the older population. The text also notes that more seniors are living in places where they can get assistance (Binstock and George 2011). These developments are important when discussing disability pathways because healthcare is always changing and finding new and better ways to care for the disabled population.

Disability pathways can also vary by the person's sex. According to statistics, Women tend to need assistance with a disability earlier in life than men do while women have a longer life expectancy then men (Binstock and George 2011). These differences present a different outcome than age would as a socio-demographic factor because women might need assistance longer than men in cases like this. This is important to note because sometimes men are the primary caregiver in this situation and if they become disabled also then more assistance would be needed. This can also be true if women are the primary caregiver to men. These examples show how couples would handle differences in sex in aging. Single women and single men would have different pathways to disability than couples would and different ways of dealing with their disabilities. Single people would likely have no choice than to seek outside help for their disability and find ways to help pay for their required help. Single people also tend to have less income over their lifetime and single women tend to make even less creating inequality in access to assistance for a disability. These are important differences to note because couples would seem to have more security than single people in regards to sex because of the income differences.


