弗林克(2009)描述全球化企业发展他们的业务或海外行动的过程。它对酒店业有几方面的影响。首先,它迫使酒店公司选择世界各地的最佳地点,以扩大他们的财产。无论是谁的目标市场是商务旅行者或游客,酒店的位置是必不可少的。瓦尼蒂和约翰逊(2005)指出,规模和性质的场所,酒店位于被认为是大的或小的链的最重要的因素。著名的旅游目的地和一个城市的生物多样性公约是酒店集团发展自己的财产的最佳选择。然而,当这些区域不在自己的国家,或者当他们想旗酒店尽可能多的,酒店有全球化。有一个很好的例子,如何一个好的位置可以有利于酒店的业务。凯悦集团在上海一酒店名称是上海金茂君悦酒店,它位于陆家嘴商业中心区,占地面积第五十三的Jin Mao Tower大厦第八十七层(凯悦,2010)。Jin Mao Tower大厦是上海著名的商业建筑,作为纽约的世界贸易中心。这幢楼有许多财富500强公司,当那些大而富有的公司员工或客户来自另一个世界去上海,凯悦是清单上的第一个酒店。这就是为什么君悦总是具有最高的RevPAR(每间可用客房收益)在上海。相反,错误的定位会导致酒店的失败。例如,丽思卡尔顿拉斯维加斯湖于2010年5月2日关闭经过几年奋斗,这是著名的丽思卡尔顿品牌第一时间和该负的战绩将不可避免地影响这个品牌在未来。丽思卡尔顿拉斯维加斯湖位于拉斯维加斯市郊,虽然这是一个豪华和高端度假酒店,人们来到Vegas,为一个更热闹的假期(埃尔南德斯,2010)。
Abstract Globalisation is becoming increasing important these years in international hotel industry. In this essay, a literature review has been conducted to identify 3 impacts of globalisation on the hospitality industry. When hotels flag their properties in a new country, they must localise their products and services in order to adapt the culture traditions of that country. "Thinking global and acting local" ("glocal") is vital strategy for no matter big or small hotel companies. Besides the "glocal" strategy, differentiation strategy is also useful for hotel companies to become competitive in the global environment.
Hall (1997) indicates that globalization has become a key concept in business, economic and political activities since 1990s. The hospitality industry is often regarded as one of the most 'global' in the service industry (Litteljohn, 1997). Nowadays, more and more people are traveling around the world, when they are far from their home they need a place to stay, a bed to sleep, food to eat. They might end up choosing hotels. This is where the hospitality industry comes into play (Frink, 2009); this is why hotels are everywhere. Due to the fast increase of tourism and business activities around the globe, in every corner of the world, there must be hotels such as Hilton, Marriot, and Westin. Go & Pine (1995) state that the hospitality industry is a subsector of the travel and tourism sector, and one of the most rapidly expanding fields in the service sector. This article is going to identify and review 3 impacts of globalisation on the hospitality industry. And discuss strategies that hotel companies may implement including standardisation and localisation strategies and differentiation strategies when they enter into the globalisation.
Frink (2009) described globalisation as the process of companies developing their business or operations overseas. It has several impacts on the hospitality industry. First of all, it forces hotel companies to choose best locations all over the world to expand their properties. Location is essential to a hotel, no matter whose target market is business travelers or tourists. Johnson & Vanetti (2005) state that the size and nature of the place in which the hotel is located are seen to be the most important factor for big or small chains. The famous tourism destinations and CBD of a city are the best choice for hotel groups to develop their properties. However, when those areas are not in their own country, or when they want to flag their hotels as many as possible, hotels have to globalise. There is a good example of how a good location can benefit a hotel's business. Hyatt group has one hotel in shanghai which name is Grand Hyatt Shanghai, it is located in the centre of the Lujiazui business district, and occupies 53rd to 87th floors of the Jin Mao Tower building (Hyatt, 2010). Jin Mao Tower building is a business building as famous in shanghai as the World Trade Center in New York. There are many 500 fortune companies in this building, when those big and wealthy companies have employees or clients come from other world to visit shanghai, Hyatt is the first hotel on their list. This is part of the reason why Grand Hyatt always has the highest RevPAR (revenue per available room) in Shanghai. Reversely, wrong location will lead hotels to failure. For example, The Ritz-Carlton Lake Las Vegas closed on May 2, 2010 after several years struggle, this was the first time for the reputable Ritz-Carlton brand and this negative record will have inevitably impact on this brand in the future. Ritz-Carlton Lake Las Vegas locates in the suburb of Las Vegas, though it was a luxurious and high-end resort hotel, people come to Vegas for a much more exciting and lively vacation (Hernandez, 2010).