tourist assignment 代写 :一个平等的伙伴关系

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tourist assignment 代写 一个平等的伙伴关系


本文无意对科托努协议的政策变化(在四月生效2003)和战略合作伙伴关系,也没有其他政策工具使用的增加通过共同外交与安全政策(CFSP)和欧洲安全与防务政策(ESDP);有趣的是,这篇文章将重点放在欧盟的政策对亚撒哈拉以南非洲。就目前而言,探讨贸易和安全领域;然后说明了这一点,一个具体的研究中,刚果民主共和国(DRC)。这将是欧盟颁布至今关于这些区域和轮廓,欧盟承诺不受人道主义或道德的激励,而是来自于愿意提高自身的形象,声誉和捍卫自己的利益(gegout:2005)。本文的目的是表明,欧盟可能从事本身主要是在战略和经济意义的区域,并在军事伤亡-低成本不仅因为冲突或非洲的人道主义危机,特别是DRC,这是案例分析(gegout:2005)。基于这种情况,本文表明,欧盟和非洲是平等的伙伴,只有在论文“艺术éMIS 2003成功的任务可以考虑,作为gegout巧妙地注意到,作为一个“一次性”的任务(gegout:2005)。欧盟国家没有一个一致的方法对非洲的冲突,他们根本没有适用于所有部门的欧洲团结的概念。欧盟是不是在非洲的一个可靠的演员,特别是在安全事务,也不视为有足够的组织在非洲的“援助”,像非洲联盟(非盟)(gegout:2009c)。DRC的案例说明都需要长期的合作伙伴关系和距离尚未走(克里斯琴和麦斯威尔:2002)。

tourist assignment 代写 一个平等的伙伴关系

Strategic, development partnerships are frequently represented as a way of providing recipient countries 'ownership' of their development programmes. They derive their power simultaneously through exclusion and incorporation; also, by using freedom as a formula of rule partnerships, they help the 'production' of modern, self-disciplined citizens and states by en-listing them as responsible agents in their own development (Abrahamsen: 2004). The European Community (EU) / European Union (EU) has developed highly institutionalized relationships with particular areas of Africa since the very beginning of the European integration process. After December 2005, for the first time, the European Council adopted the Strategy for Africa concerning the whole continent, which is subdivided into three policies: related to the Northern African countries, the sub-Saharan Africa and South Africa (Keukeleire and MacNaughtan: 2008: 288). According to the 34th Report of Session 2005-2006 of the House of Lords, 'the Strategy adopted emphasizes peace, security and good governance as the prerequisites for sustainable development in Africa, alongside economic growth and regional integration'. It also stresses 'the need for African ownership and responsibility for Africa's own development'. Consequently, the EU members working together - and in cooperation with the African states themselves and the regional organizations- should prioritize on helping their partners to form their capacity in order to deal with their own affairs, such as the promotion of good governance (House of Lords: 34th Report: 2005-2006).

This essay has no intention evaluating the policy changes of the Cotonou Agreement (into force in April 2003) and the Strategic Partnership, nor the increasing use of other policy instruments through Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP); interestingly, the essay shall focus on the EU policy towards sub-Saharan Africa. For present purposes, the essay explores the areas of trade and security; then it illustrates these points with a specific-study, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). It shall present what the EU enacted so far in respect to these areas and outline that EU's commitments are not driven by humanitarian or ethical incentives but rather originate in a willingness to promote its image - prestige and defend its own interests (Gegout: 2005). The essay's aim is to indicate that the EU is likely to engage itself mostly in areas of strategic and economic importance, and at a low cost of military casualties - not only because of the conflicts or the humanitarian crises in Africa and particularly the DRC, which is the case that this essay analyses (Gegout: 2005). By drawing on this case, the essay shows that the EU and Africa are equal partners only in papers and that 'Artémis' successful mission in 2003 can be considered, as Gegout masterfully notices, as a 'one-off' mission (Gegout: 2005). The EU states do not have a consistent approach towards conflicts in Africa and they simply fail to apply the concept of European solidarity at all sectors. The EU is not perceived as a credible actor in Africa, especially in security affairs, neither is it seen as helpful enough in its 'assistance' to organizations in Africa, like the African Union (AU) (Gegout: 2009c). The case of the DRC illustrates both the need for long-term partnership and the distance yet to be travelled (Christiansen and Maxwell: 2002).


