英国essay代写 Did Neanderthals and modern humans interbreed

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The fact that the modern human DNA is to some percentage related to the DNA of the Neanderthals has sparked of a very serious debate concerning whether the fact are true or forged. Study has shown that about one to four percent of the genetic makeup for the modern humans who do not trace their ancestry to Africa is similar to that of the Neanderthals. Considering the fact that the DNA of a normal human being varies only by two percent with that of a Chimpanzee indeed this debate is worth having.

According to some sources the process of sequencing the human DNA is not a sure process. The DNA contained in fossils of human beings is said to be contaminated and sometimes not adequate enough to carry out a sufficient genetic comparison. However, Max Planck Institute in Leipzig, Germany with the help of modern technology managed to sequence the DNA of a Neanderthal and conducted a comparison with the modern human DNA. Even though the machine used and the method used were termed as not perfect they managed to decode two thirds of the Neanderthal DNA and came up with the statistics that one to four percent of the modern human DNA is similar to that of the Neanderthal. However, the research does not point out any human characteristic which can be directly attributed to the Neanderthal, there has been a theory that the cranium development process of the modern man can somehow be attributed to the Neanderthal man but there are no facts supporting this theory (Trinkaus 2007). The comparison of the characteristics of the modern early European man and the Neanderthal using already recorded paleontological data shows that there are similar characteristics between the Modern Early European human and the Neanderthal (Trinkaus 2007). However the same similarities are not traced back to the Middle Paleolithic modern humans (MPMHs) from whom the early European modern man is alleged to have descended from (Trinkaus 2007). This means that there must have been a genetic exchange during the migration of the early European modern man from Africa (Trinkaus 2007).

From the above we see that the facts concerning the genetic relationship between the modern man and the Neanderthal man are still sketchy at this point. This is because of lack of sufficient archeological proof and scientific facts to prove some of the researches; therefore we are still faced with the question, did Neanderthals and modern human interbreed? This question can only be answered by successfully comparing non impaired DNA of both the modern man and the Neanderthals in order to see whether their DNA rhyme at some point. This will present the opportunity and the facts whether both species had interbreed earlier or not.


