
6 年前 317次浏览 英国留学生论文代写:类型和课程已关闭评论

父母为孩子选择他们想要的学校类型和课程。影响家长选择学校的因素有很多,但实用性、地点、经济能力以及之前在学校的经历都是他们最重要的考虑因素。了解和理解幼儿课程的不同组成部分是必要的,但这仍然取决于许多影响父母选择的因素。我们从文献中得知(Brain & Klein, 1994;(Reay & Lucey, 2000)父母让他们的孩子参加一个实施基于游戏的课程的幼儿教育项目可能只是因为学校在某种程度上满足了他们的期望,而不是因为他们意识到基于游戏的项目的好处。然而,我们不知道的是,如果父母只理解和欣赏课程,他们会不会做出另一个选择,他们会更投入,对孩子的学习机会有现实的期望?本研究探讨家长对以游戏为基础的课程的信念与态度。使用定性的方法,我的目标是收集父母对基于游戏的课程的信念和态度的叙事形式的信息。数据的分析将基于父母的叙事反应,重点关注共性、差异和突发主题。


Parents select the type of school and curriculum they want for their children. There are numerous factors influencing parents' choice of school, but practicality, location, affordability, and previous experience with the school are some of their most important considerations. Knowledge and understanding of the different components of the early childhood curricula is a necessity, but such is still dependent on many factors influencing parents' choice.We know from the literature (Brain & Klein, 1994; Reay & Lucey, 2000) that parents enrolling their children in an early childhood education program that implements a play-based curriculum may have done so only because the school has met their expectations in some way, and not because they are aware of the benefits of the play-based program. Nevertheless, what we don't know is if parents would only understand and appreciate the curriculum, would they have made another choice, would they be more involved and have realistic expectations of their child's learning opportunities?This study explores the beliefs and attitudes of parents regarding the play-based curriculum. Using qualitative methods, I aim to gather information in narrative form on parents' beliefs and attitudes regarding play-based curriculum The analysis of the data will be based on the narrative responses of the parents, and focus on commonalities, differences, and emergent themes.

