Decrease in Digital-cameras product can be ascertain on increase in picture clearity interms of Resolutions, capability, compactness and easy of use of the inbuilt cameras shipped with latest mobiles, increase in competition from establised brands in digital camera segmant, fluctuations in foreign exchange rates and stagnant economical conditions.With the proposed strategies, the plan is to increase Olympus digital-camera market share and revenues,Although Olympus main root was established In Japan and have made strong hold in USA the proposed strategy is to increase it's brand state in new markets like Europe, India and China. The Slogan of Olympus is "Your Vision, Our Future" ,Based on this corporate slogan,To help revamp the Olympus digital-camera brand image and growth proposed strategy is built around ongoing cost reduction efforts , pursuing innovation and marketing strategy of new interchangeable lens type digital camera where all stakeholders, including shareholders, clients and employees, are proud of the Olympus brand.
Olympus Management have put inline 2010 Corporate Strategic Plan ("2010 CSP") a new medium-term plan starting this year that will cover the five-year fiscal period ending March 2015, the targets for fiscal period ending March 2015, are net sales of ¥1.5 trillion and operating income of ¥150 billion. These figures are about 1.7 times and 2.5 times higher than the results for fiscal period ended March 2010, respectively.