Religion Assignment 代写:尼希米是诚实真诚相邀
尼希米是一个流亡的犹太人生活在巴比伦。在巴比伦帝国被波斯人,他发现自己在波斯王亚达薛西皇宫皇家杯者。这是一个高度信任和负责任的立场。在得知耶路撒冷仍在废墟中,尼希米祷告上帝使用他来拯救耶路撒冷(尼希米记∶1 RSV)。神应允他的祈求软化波斯国王的心,他不仅让他回到耶路撒冷,帮助重建这座城市,但也给他提供了用于项目(尼希米记2:2-5 RSV)。当他回到耶路撒冷时,他是做州长的。尼希米祷告的人,他热情地为他祈祷的人,那些喜欢Jesus Christ;有神的人,他们把祷告神燃烧的爱。尼希米带领以色列人到尊重和对圣经文本的爱。尼希米记,因为他对上帝和他渴望看到上帝光荣和荣耀的爱,带领以色列人的信心和顺服神为他们所。即使耶路撒冷回到变节,尼希米离开了一会儿后,他回到12年后,开始教人们道德的任务并遵守神的话(尼希米记13:15-22;23-29)。
玛拉基的书是一个神谕:通过玛拉基主字以色列(1:1)。这又是上帝的警告,他的人民的以色列,悔改,并再次回到上帝通过先知,玛拉基。人们已经回到了自己的土地,后迁到Babylonia,然而,他们又开始误入歧途。他们变得沮丧因为一,他们的神还没有来到他的威严和力量的寺庙,好像是预言的先知如哈该和泽卡赖亚(玛拉基3:1)。同时,主很生气,所有的人,祭司,他们提供给他(玛拉基前书1:6-7玷污牺牲)。他很生气,犹大谁是离婚的妻子的男人,娶“女儿的一个外国的神”(玛拉基2:10-16)。但在人犯罪远离神的怨恨,玛拉基重申神的爱他的人(玛拉基1:1-5)和他的一个未来使者的承诺(玛拉基2:17-3:5)。在玛拉基3说:1-6,玛拉基预言了神的使者的到来,John the Baptist。他是主派为弥赛亚的使者Jesus Christ(马修11:10)。但Messenger谁来“突然到庙”实际上是Jesus Christ,谁会来的权力和可能(马修24)。在那个时候,他将“净化利维的儿子”(3),这意味着那些实行马赛克法的人将自己需要净化从罪通过救世主的血。只有这样他们才能提供“义”是一个提供因为它将基督的义归给他们通过信仰(2哥林多后书5:21)。当我们不遵守他的命令时,上帝就不高兴了。他会报答那些无视他的人。至于恨上帝的离婚,上帝认真地对待婚姻的契约,他不希望它破碎。我们要忠于我们的青春的配偶一辈子。上帝看到我们的心,所以他知道我们的意图是什么,没有什么可以隐藏他。他会回来,他将成为法官。但是如果我们回到他身边,他会回到我们的身边(玛拉基3:6)。
Religion Assignment 代写:尼希米是诚实真诚相邀
Nehemiah was an exiled Jew living in Babylon. After the Babylonian empire fell to the Persians, Nehemiah found himself as the royal cup-bearer in the palace of the Persian King Artaxerxes. This was a highly trusted and responsible position. Upon hearing that Jerusalem still remained in ruins, Nehemiah prayed to God to use him to save Jerusalem (Nehemiah 1:1-4 RSV). God answered his prayer by softening the heart of the Persian King, who not only let him go back to Jerusalem to help rebuild the city, but also gave him supplies to be used in the project (Nehemiah 2:2-5 RSV). Upon his return to Jerusalem, he is made governor. Nehemiah was a man of prayer and he prayed passionately for his people, who like Jesus Christ; both had a burning love for God's people which they poured out in prayer to God. Nehemiah led the Israelites into respect and love for the text of Scripture. Nehemiah, because of his love for God and his desire to see God honored and glorified, led the Israelites towards the faith and obedience God had desired for them. Even after Jerusalem fell back into apostasy, after Nehemiah left for a while, he returned 12 years later and set about the task of teaching the people morality and to adhere to the Word of God (Nehemiah 13:15-22; 23-29).
The Book of Malachi is an oracle: The word of the Lord to Israel through Malachi (1:1). It again, was God's warning to His people of Israel to repent and again to turn back to God through the prophet, Malachi. The people had been returned to their own land, after their exile to Babylonia, however, they again had started to go astray. They were getting frustrated because for one, their God had not yet come to his temple with majesty and power, like it had been prophesied by other prophets such as Haggai and Zechariah (Malachi 3:1). Also, the Lord was very angry at, of all people, the priests, who were offering defiled sacrifices to Him (Malachi 1:6-7). He was angry at the men of Judah who were divorcing their wives, and marrying "the daughter of a foreign god" (Malachi 2:10-16). But in spite of the people's sin and turning away from God, Malachi reiterates God's love for His people (Malachi 1:1-5) and His promises of a coming Messenger (Malachi 2:17-3:5). As stated in Malachi 3: 1-6, Malachi is a prophecy of the coming of God's messenger, John the Baptist. He was the Messenger who the Lord sent to pave the way for the Messiah, Jesus Christ (Matthew 11:10). But the Messenger who comes "suddenly to The Temple" is actually Jesus Christ, who will come in power and might (Matthew 24). At that time, He will "purify the sons of Levi" (v. 3), which means that those who practiced the Mosaic Law would themselves need purification from sin through the blood of the Savior. Only then will they be able to offer "an offering in righteousness" because it will be the righteousness of Christ imputed to them through faith (2 Corinthians 5:21). God is not pleased when we do not obey His commands. He will repay those who disregard Him. As for God hating divorce, God takes the covenant of marriage seriously and He does not want it broken. We are to stay true to the spouse of our youth for a lifetime. God sees our hearts, so He knows what our intentions are; nothing can be hidden from Him. He will return and He will be the judge. But if we return to Him, He will return to us (Malachi 3:6).