Nursing 作业代写:管理与管理的反思分析

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Nursing 作业代写:管理与管理的反思分析


除了我,谁参与事件的人的注册护士,我的阴影,我的临床讲师,和我的学生护士的朋友。在临床一天的开始,当事件发生时,我联系了我的老师,我的护士,和我的学生护士的朋友。护士和我坐下来看看病人的计划表和记笔记对我们个人的组织计划(p.o.p.)。在该公司,我的病情和昨天一样,除了她以后会在那一天有一个整形手术预约。通常病人的丈夫会访问她每天早上9:30左右并提供护理,包括清洗病人帮助她进行排便。我的病人的首选,护士离开他们独自一人,而她的丈夫关心她。在这一天,病人的丈夫有一个约会,不能访问他的妻子在上午,这意味着这是我的责任,我的病人洗早,所以她可以准备她的任命。我口头通知我的学生护士的好友,我需要她的帮助洗我的病人我以为我的记忆很好,我没有在我的p.o.p.写下这个特定的任务时,我遇到了我的病人,我集中在测量生命体征,完成初步评估,护理活动,访谈我的病人的护理计划分配这些任务,罗伊是我确信我完成图表的9:00的p.o.p.上市。一旦我完成了图表,护士走过来给我看,如果我给我的病人洗澡,我回答没有。从护士的不满意的面部反应,我意识到我应该给我的病人洗澡提前。我的临床教练还问我的学生护士的朋友和我的原因,病人还没有洗过。我以为我可以洗我的病人,我完成了图表,因为我知道病人通常是由她的丈夫上午10点左右洗。我感到非常的不好和不负责任的,因为我没有洗我的病人的时间,并准备她的任命。我的直觉告诉我,必须有一个重要的任务我已经错过了,但我不记得它是什么因为我没有把它写在p.o.p.我以为临床教师和护士必须感到失望,我没有完成任务之前,我记得我的导师临床明确检查是否有我们的病人有特殊的命令或任务,是这种转变的开始。我相信有道德和经济上的考虑,考虑到这个事件。如果我的病人仍然在准备的过程中,她接到电话到整形外科单元,这将创造不必要的等待时间为整形外科医生和其他病人谁会看到整形外科医生后。为了弥补额外的等待时间,整形外科部门的工作人员可能会尝试匆忙的东西和治疗的质量,患者接受可能会受到痛苦。由于延误和经济负担,员工可能不得不加班工作,结果是。此外,延迟给予肝素将增加病人的凝血,如肺栓塞、心肌梗死和严重后果的风险,可能导致深静脉血栓形成。这将被视为有害于病人(波特& Perry,2009)。此外,我相信我应该对我的病人负责,为我的病人提供安全和优质的护理,包括及时清洗我的病人。这种信念来自我的护理教师不断地提醒我们,它是按照CNO的实践标准在实践中很重要。

Nursing 作业代写:管理与管理的反思分析

An event that was meaningful to me as a nurse happened during my clinical time at St. Michael's Hospital when I did not wash my patient before 8:00 am in order to prepare her to go to a plastic surgery appointment later on that day. My patient's 10:00 am Heparin administration was delayed by 45 minutes because she was being washed at that time. This event occurred because I did not prioritize the tasks I had to complete during the day properly, and therefore I learned the importance of time management while I work as a nurse on the clinical unit.

Besides me, the people who were involved in the event were the registered nurse who I shadowed, my clinical instructor, and my student nurse buddy. At the beginning of the clinical day, while the events happened, I contacted my instructor, my nurse, and my student nurse buddy. The nurse and I sat down to look at the Kardex of patients and wrote down notes on our Personal Organizational Plan (P.O.P.). On the Kardex, my patient's condition was the same as yesterday except she would have a plastic surgery appointment later on that day. Usually the patient's husband would visit her daily around 9:30 am and provide care which including washing the patient and helping her to perform bowel elimination. My patient preferred that nurses leave them alone while her husband cares to her. On this particular day, the patient's husband had an appointment and could not visit his wife in the morning, which meant it was my responsibility to wash my patient early so she could be ready for her appointment. I verbally informed my student nurse buddy that I would need her help to wash my patient but I thought my memory was good enough that I did not have to write down this specific task on my P.O.P. When I met with my patient, I concentrated on measuring her vital signs, completing the initial assessment, nursing activities, and interviewing my patient for the Roy Care Plan assignment as these tasks were originally listed on the P.O.P. I made sure I finished charting by 9:00 am. Once I finished charting, the nurse came up to me to see if I had bathed my patient and I replied no. From the nurse's unsatisfied facial response, I realized I should have bathed my patient earlier in advance. My clinical instructor also asked my student nurse buddy and I the reason the patient had not been washed yet. I thought I could have washed my patient after I completed the charting as I knew the patient usually was washed around 10:00 am by her husband. I felt really bad and irresponsible because I did not wash my patient on time and prepare her for the appointment. My intuition told me there must be an essential task I had missed, but I just could not recall what it was since I did not write it down on the P.O.P. I thought my clinical instructor and the nurse must feel disappointed that I did not perform the task earlier as I remembered my clinical instructor stated clearly to check if any of our patients has special orders or tasks to be done at the beginning of the shift. I believe there are ethical and economic considerations to be taken into account about this event. If my patient was still in the process of getting ready while she received a call to go down to the plastic surgery unit, it would create unnecessary wait time for the plastic surgeon and other patients who would see the plastic surgeon later on. In order to compensate for the extra wait time, staffs at the plastic surgery unit may try to rush things and quality of treatment that patients receive may suffer. Staffs may have to work overtime due to the delay and economic burden would be a result. In addition, delay of administering Heparin will increase patient's risk of blood clotting and serious consequences such as pulmonary emboli, myocardial infarction, and deep vein thrombosis may be resulted. This will be considered as maleficence to the patient (Potter & Perry, 2009). Moreover, I believe I should be accountable to my patient by providing safe and quality care to my patient which includes washing my patient on time. This belief arises from my nursing teachers constant reminders to us that it is very important to follow CNO's practice standards during practice.


